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Our Spirituality

The spirituality of Cor et Lumen Christi has been influenced and inspired by several streams within the church.

The Eucharist is at the heart of our spirituality and so regularly our corporate and personal prayer are focused upon the Eucharistic Lord. The celebration of Mass is central to our life and members are encouraged to go as often as possible. Community masses are very important as they allow the community to express its spirituality at the Eucharistic banquet.

Much of our corporate worship is charismatic in style with an emphasis upon joy and intimacy and a certain freedom of expression. The praying of part of the Divine Office whether sung or said is an important part of our daily worship. These two forms of public worship, charismatic and liturgical, seem to complement each other in a wonderful way.

In our personal prayer (one hour a day) we have been deeply enriched and inspired by the mystical tradition as well as the charismatic experience. We also strive to fill our lives with prayer by praying throughout the day.

The community has also been greatly blessed by certain elements of the Orthodox tradition. Our chapel has three full size icons painted by an Orthodox brother and blessed by our bishop. We pray some of the Orthodox liturgy and many of the community pray the Jesus Prayer.

The saints have a strong presence in our community with a particular place given to St John the Beloved, St Therese of Lisieux and Saint Padre Pio.

Mary's presence in the community is gentle and she is venerated each lunchtime in the community house and in a variety of other ways throughout the community.

We see our life of living "Divine Communion" with the Lord in prayer as the source of our communion with each other and as integral to our mission and the source of its fruitfulness.

In addition, we believe that a commitment to prayer is an act of love for the church and the world. It has a multitude of effects and a hidden but powerful apostolic fruitfulness for the advancement of the Kingdom of Light.

As a community, our calling is to become "the heart and light of Christ through Divine Communion" therefore we desire to be drawn deeply into the Trinitarian heart of Jesus which is the bridal chamber of God and His church. Here, throught the infusion of the Spirit we are bathed in the Fire of Love and are transfigured into His Light.

The community runs a course on prayer - see Prayer School under Training Schools in the Events section of this site.

"Devote yourself to prayer"

" Those who abide in me and I in them bear fruit in plenty. "

Jn 15:5