Freed from wheelchair

Healed of epilepsy

Stick no longer needed

Deaf ear opened

Blindness healed

Fractured bone healed

Cancer totally healed
"Yet the news about
him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him
and to be healed of their sicknesses."
Lk 5:15
"Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the
Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied
Mark 16:20
How the Lord has touched people's lives
We find it a privilege to live and work for the
Lord as a community. When planning this site, we felt that
we wanted it to be a witness and give testimony to what He
has done and how he has touched people's lives:
"Almost two years ago, I was celebrating Easter down
in Ilfracombe at the Celebrate conference. It was a miracle
that I was there for my health had been deteriorating over
the last five years.
At the time, I was using a wheelchair and the pain in my back
would not subside however many different cocktails of analgesics
the various doctors prescribed. Nights became sleepless and
days became a blur of semiconscious due to the strength of
the drugs."
"... As I was being prayed with someone placed their
hand on my spine. I could feel heat radiating from my spine
throughout my whole body. I was then urged to try and stand
up. With fear I arose to find the jolt of pain which usually
accompanied every movement was gone. Afraid at first I began
to walk to the other end of the giant hall. With each step
I felt stronger, eventually running around the sports hall
and up the steps to the stage. For years I had not walked
more than a few steps at a time, without the use of a frame.
A lift had been installed in my home as I couldn't manage
to climb stairs, but here I was in no pain at all."
Thomas Menamparampil, Archbishop of Guwahati
"Mr. Damian preached a retreat for us with his companion
Leslie. We found his sermons inspiring and his healing service
most helpful. Some of the healings were exceptionally moving.
I wish his ministry all success."
Lynne, Rochdale
"Today, almost two years later, I am still free from
the crippling pain that tied me to a wheelchair."
"I have had a (fixed) lazy left eye since birth. After
prayer I felt my field of vision had increased by 25 percent.
Praise and thanks to Jesus."
"I have received physical and inner healing, and
received a great prophecy which has deeply touched me. I thank
God for the ministry and people of the Cor et Lumen Christi
"God used me as an instrument as part of the healing
of a lady's shoulder pain after which she was discharged from
her physiotherapist. This increased my confidence that God
does want to use me."
"When a participant prophesied to me, she went straight
to the heart of the despair I was experiencing, and assured
me that Jesus is right there guiding me ... I had never met
her before this course and Jesus used her to bring these words
of comfort to me. WOW!!"
"At a time when I was growing complacent with the
stage that I was at in my spiritual gifting, this school really
fired me up and challenged my opinions and actions about the
charismatic gifts."
"I loved the clear teaching and the conviction with
which it was given."
"I arrived nervous, unsure and guilty but go away
free, blessed and ready!"
Bob, Surrey
"Cor et Lumen Christi taught and ministered on our
Alpha Holy Spirit day. There I was filled with the Holy Spirit
and that has transformed my life completely."
"Cor et Lumen Christi have given me a new discovery of
God's love."
Two enclosed Cistercian Sisters
"Cor et Lumen Christi have been an incredible help
in my spiritual life."
Child, aged 5
"That's the best Mass I have ever been to."
"At your conference I experienced the reality of the
Eucharist for the very first time."
"I experienced the real presence of Jesus during Exposition
of the Blessed Sacrament, for the first time in my life."
Healing of Nyla Leipold - God's Joyfull Runner Read article here.
Testimonies from Filip Course
"I came to the Filip Course with concrete
goals in mind and I HAVE ACHIEVED them. I have met the Father,
I know He loves me. The role-plays and talks have allowed
me to understand what I had heard somewhere, sometime: that
God is merciful, God is love. I surrendered my life, experiences,
wounds to Him, and I am leaving this place as a different,
NEW person. Completely changed. Tomorrow I am starting a new
life. My old self has died... and a new one has been born.
Thanks and God bless."
"God loves me as I am, with all my sins, vices and I
will not give up, I will fight to remain His child"
"I have received an inner freedom in giving glory to
"as of today Jesus is on the throne of my life"
"God has come to me in the power of His Spirit and filled
me with His presence"
"It was an enormous experience for me to be able to pray
in tongues"
"I have realised that life with Jesus is easier because
He gives us strength to overcome all difficulties"